Attendees at this year’s Trustee Academy were provided an overview of BCSTA’s great new learning resource for boards, individual trustees, senior district staff and partners – The Learning Guide.  This very extensive on-line learning resource covers a myriad of topics that are of interest and/or applicability to trustees, boards and senior staff in their roles governing, leading and overseeing school districts.  Our intent is to provide everyone involved with a ‘one stop’ resource covering all of the basic information as well as supporting materials for any topic applicable to K-12 education.

BCSTA previously published learning modules for our members, but the materials were expensive to produce and often quickly went out of date as circumstances changed.  By providing the Learning Guide on-line, we are able to update, expand or improve it on a regular basis at minimal cost.  We are also able to provide active links to numerous additional outside resources as well as school district examples of programs, policies and processes that bring the information to life for students and staff.

This resource will be of particular interest and value to new trustees after local elections in October 2018, and will be profiled further at Academy 2018.

Download the Trustee Academy 2017 Launch Presentation on the HUB.

To access the Learning Guide, you will need to visit BCSTA’s HUB area.  The HUB is our members’ area (open to all trustees as well as superintendents and secretary treasurers) where a variety of tools and resources are housed, including the Guide. Over the next couple of weeks, individual trustees and district staff will receive an invitation to join the HUB. We hope you will sign-on and take the opportunity to explore the Learning Guide.

Going forward, we will be asking for trustee input as to improvements and expansions that can be made to the Learning Guide.  In May – June of each year, our Professional Learning Committee will coordinate improvements to the Learning Guide, including reviewing suggestions received throughout the year.