Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

Advocacy: BCSTA Support of Funding Model Review

[Sent March 19, 2019]

President Swan to Minister Fleming:

“With Boards of Education providing their reviews of the independent review panel recommendations, and the working group review processes now underway, I wanted to reiterate BCSTA’s support for the review and redevelopment of the funding distribution model for K-12 public education.”

BCSTA Leadership Series

In the book “Vanishing School Boards: Where School Boards Have Gone, Why We Need Them, and How We Can Bring Them Back” Patrick Rice asserts “school boards keep the public in public schools, have a positive effect on student achievement, function as trustees over district resources, and serve as advocates for public schools.” He backs up these claims with research and experience. Fortunately, in British Columbia, there is significant buy-in to this assertion, and the recent signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the BCSTA and the Ministry of Education is concrete acknowledgement of the value of boards in our province.

Media Release: BC School Trustees Respond to the 2019 Provincial Budget

[Vancouver, BC – February 19, 2019] Today’s provincial budget has once again delivered a stable year ahead for British Columbia’s 60 public school districts by funding growing student enrollment as well as the school buildings needed to house them. The British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA) supports this significantly increased spending on K-12 public education as a wise investment on behalf of both families and taxpayers within the important context of a balanced provincial budget.

Media Release: BCSTA Responds to BC Government’s Speech From the Throne

[Vancouver, B.C. – February 14, 2019] Affirmation of the current positive direction for K-12 education in B.C. is the theme of this week’s provincial speech from the throne, in the opinion of BCSTA President Gordon Swan. As stated by Premier John Horgan in a subsequent press release, “People deserve the opportunity to build a good life in the communities they call home, with housing and child care they can afford, quality public services, like health care and education, good jobs and a better future.”