Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

Advocacy: Funding to Install and Supply Free Tampon and Pad Dispensers in BC Schools

[Sent July 11, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming, Minister James and Dean (MLA):

“As outlined in the motion, we wish to formally commend the Minister of Education, Rob Fleming, for his work in enduring that free menstrual products be made available to all of BC’s students. We also would like to share our appreciation for the dedicated efforts of Dr. Selena Tribe and the United Way’s Period Promise campaign. Providing students with regular access to basic hygiene products in our schools sets an example that other provinces will surely follow. “

Jean Ciriani Scholarship for Communications – Winner Announced

The Jean Ciriani Scholarship for Communications recognizes a graduating student who has excelled at communication studies and who has expressed an interest in using their communications skills in the support of public policy and education. This year, the family of Jean Ciriani and the BCSTA are pleased to announce the winner of the $1,500 bursary:

Advocacy: BCSTA AGM Resolutions

[Sent May 30, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming:

“Please find attached to this letter a complete listing of the resolutions passed by the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s membership during our 2019 Annual General Meeting, which occurred within the final week of April. For your convenience, the resolutions have been grouped by themes (i.e., areas of commonality) in order to help facilitate further discussion and follow-up with the Ministry of Education.”