As a way to increase the profile of school trustees as the election approaches, BCSTA launched the #ProudToBeASchoolTrustee social media campaign at our 2018 AGM. Members have been encouraged to share messages on
The Boards at Work Blog exists to provide members and the public with education news and features that reflect the increased leadership role that boards of education play in public education.
As a way to increase the profile of school trustees as the election approaches, BCSTA launched the #ProudToBeASchoolTrustee social media campaign at our 2018 AGM. Members have been encouraged to share messages on
As the general election looms, and we collectively approach the three week marker, boards, trustees and the public have much to consider. SOGI 1 2 3, a learning resource created by
As elected officials, school trustees serve a unique role within a school district. They are chosen by their community to provide governance and oversight of the local school district.
“Statistically we know there are LGBTQ2S students in every school, but the degree to which these students are visible is dependent on the level of safety and inclusiveness fostered within
Continue Reading “Successes and Challenges in SOGI Education”
Our new website has been streamlined to better match the services offered on the BCSTA HUB, and some existing platforms, such as DocuShare, have been retired. The focus of BCSTA.org
We hope you enjoyed and found this year’s Academy useful to your important work as a trustee. Trustee Academy 2017 was planned to inspire delegates as they assemble under the
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Thank you to everyone who participated and made our 2017 Trustee Academy such a success.
Attendees at this year’s Trustee Academy were provided an overview of BCSTA’s great new learning resource for boards, individual trustees, senior district staff and partners – The Learning Guide. This
BCSTA’s new members-only area of our website, the BCSTA HUB, is now open for business. The HUB will provide a number of new features and services aimed at providing improved