Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education
BC Parliament building

Advocacy: Recent Meeting on Disruptions

[Sent November 1, 2023]

President Broady to Premier Eby:

Thank you for meeting with me on October 17 to discuss the protests and disruptions that have taken place on and near school sites and at recent board of education meetings.”

Advocacy Response: Transit for Teens Campaign

[Received October 13, 2023]

Minister Fleming to President Broady:

“In the 130 communities served by BC Transit, local governments are responsible for working with BC Transit to determine service levels, fares and routes, and many communities have developed their own programs to provide discounted or free transit for youth.”

Advocacy Response: Funding Support for Technology

[Received October 12, 2023]

Minister Singh to President Broady: 

“Each year boards of education receive Annual Facility Grant (AFG) funding which can be used at their discretion to address a variety of priorities, including technological infrastructure upgrades to accommodate computer and telecommunications networks at existing facilities.”

Advocacy: Protests in School Districts

[Sent October 5, 2023]

President Broady to Premier Eby:

The British Columbia School Trustees Association is very concerned about the recent protests in communities and the disruptions that are taking place.”

Statement on Gender Identity Education Protests

Inclusive schools that welcome all students, families and staff are central to public education in British Columbia. British Columbia School Trustees Association has always supported and led initiatives focused on uplifting all students and creating safe, welcoming environments where students can grow and learn.

Students should never bear the weight of hatred, and discrimination has no place within public education. We will continue to advocate for the needs of students throughout the province, and through our co-governance relationship with the Ministry of Education and Child Care, we will support the continued development of safe, inclusive learning environments.

We are a democratic society, and while we fully respect everyone’s right to express their opinions, we cannot tolerate intolerance at the doorstep of our schools. BCSTA is committed to supporting boards of education to ensure that students reach their full potential.