Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

A Summary of BCSTA on SOGI 1 2 3

As the general election looms, and we collectively approach the three week marker, boards, trustees and the public have much to consider. SOGI 1 2 3, a learning resource created by ARC Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and educators, and developed with the goal of supporting all students regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity and providing educators with the capacity to build inclusive school environments, has become a contentious talking point.

raised hands

Advocacy: 2018 BCCPAC Member Resolutions

[Received September 12, 2018]

BCCPAC president Sinclair to President Swan:

“At our 2018 Annual General Meeting, member delegates representing District Parent Advisory Councils (DPACs) and Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) from around the province gathered together to discuss important issues vital to student success and approved several Resolutions…”

Aerial Morning Sunrise on the Horizon

Advocacy: Teacher-Led Mentorship

[Received September 7, 2018]

BCTF President Hansman to Minister Fleming: 

“On behalf of the 43,000 members of the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), I am writing to request that the provincial government ensure that the necessary funds and political direction are in place for teacher-led mentorship initiatives to flourish in all school districts across BC….”

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New Twitter Account

In response to being unable to lift the erroneous suspension on our existing Twitter account in a timely fashion, BCSTA has created a new account. Please follow us at @BCSTA_News

BC Parliament building

Advocacy: BCPSEA / BCTF Negotiations

[Received July 20, 2018]

PSEC Secretariat President/CEO Zacharuk to BCTF President Hansman:

“As you know, the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA), as the bargaining agent, outlined several factors affecting an early start day for negotiations in their November 8, 2017 letter…”

Rob Fleming speaks at academy 2017
students graduating
Portrait Of Businesswoman Working In Creative Office

Advocacy: Endorsement of School Food Programs

[Received July 17, 2018]

Dr. Hutchinson, Health Canada to President Swan:

“I would like to take this opportunity to commend the work of the British Columbia School Trustees Association and Coalition for Healthy School Food to improve school food environments…”

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out of focus photo of bcsta event