Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

Advocacy: E-Cigarettes and Vapour Products – Response

[Received July 29, 2019]

Director General, Tobacco Control Directorate, Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch Health Canada, Van Loon to President Higginson: 

“Health Canada shares the concerns you raised as well as those of parents, educators and public health stakeholders about the troubling trend of youth vaping and is continuing to take action. The Government of Canada has already established a strong regulatory framework for vaping products, with a focus on preventing uptake by youth and non-smokers.”

Advocacy: Ministry Review of Area Standards for School Construction

[Sent September 4, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming:

“Our members noted current standards were last revised in 2004, and the limitations are becoming quite apparent. Their examples include, but are not limited to, a lack of space for visual and performing arts, minimal considerations for childcare programming, and insufficient gymnasium space.”

Advocacy: Recruitment and Retention Strategy

[Sent August 22, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming, Minister Mark and UBCM President Singh:

“The resolution notes several potential ideas for incentives that may press those working in rural communities to stay long-term, as well as attract quality talent. Many of our member boards, specifically those in remote and rural areas of the provinces, have indicated that keeping talented educators within their school district is a difficult task. Competing with urban markets is difficult, and while directly competing with urban districts is simply not an option for more rural communities, incentives can serve to bridge the gap.”

Advocacy: Implementing CleanBC Plan for School Districts

[Sent August 15, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming and Minister Heyman:

“Support in the way of funding for new school construction and the retrofitting of current buildings, as well as operation guidelines, will do much to aid districts in meeting the goals outlined in CleanBC’s report. The full report indicates that changes must be made in short order if we are to achieve the targets set by CleanBC, which specifically mentions public education buildings are to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030. As stated in the accompanying rationale, ‘Receiving targeted capital revenue that reflects the cost of reducing emissions for new and retrofit builds, along with operational guidelines, allows BC school districts to uphold the required CleanBC mandated standards.'”

Advocacy: Eligibility Requirements for Teacher Training

[Sent August 8, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming and Minister Mark:

“As indicated in the motion’s rationale, applicants in rural communities are often not able to meet the standards for admission to a teacher education program. This includes candidates with undergraduate degrees who indicated that equivalent education was not considered acceptable in the admission process. There is clearly a gap in the present process, and we ask that your ministries work with the BCTC to review these requirements in an effort to improve the admission process for candidates from rural locations.”

Advocacy: Funding for Exempt Staff Compensation

[Sent August 1, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister James:

“In response to the call from our membership, we request that you consider fully funding school district exempt staff through the Ministry of Education. Providing this funding will allow districts to allocate their budgets in order to focus spending on locally determined priorities such as improving student outcomes. Increases to exempt staff compensation are not currently funded by the Ministry of Education, whereas compensation increases arising from collective agreement negotiations are funded by government”

Advocacy: E-Cigarettes and Vapour Products

[Sent July 11, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Petitpas Taylor and Minister Dix:

“Similar to the marketing of traditional cigarettes in the past, the creators, distributors and sellers of e-cigarettes and vaping devices are focusing hard on creating life-long customers by targeting young people. Flavours appealing to younger demographics, such as bubble gum, and devices designed for discreet use that emulate the look and feel of common items (lipstick, USB drives, etc.), further spur this appeal among young people.”

Advocacy: School Bus Safety

[Sent July 11, 2019]

President Higginson to Minister Fleming and Minister Trevena:

“Our member boards of education aim to respond to any requirements coming from the Federal Minister of Transportation’s Task Force on School Bus Safety once the report is released, and as such are proactively asking for support from government in order ensure that student safety requirements can be prioritized in relation to the issue of seat belts on buses.”

Advocacy: Mental Health Supports for Students with Intellectual Disabilities and or Autism

[Sent July 11, 2019]

President Higginson to Ministers Darcy, Dix, Fleming and Mark:

“Providing additional professional development and learning opportunities, focused on mental health and well-being, and aimed specifically at those working directly with children and youth afflicted with the difficulties outlined in the resolution, will undoubtedly provide a stronger foundation for both learners and educators. “

Advocacy: Funding for Mental Health and Wellness Initiatives for Districts

[Sent July 11, 2019]

President Higginson to Ministers Conroy, Darcy, Dix and Fleming:

“Promoting positive mental health strategies in schools is an important initial step in providing support for those students who suffer, often in silence. Being proactive, and developing strategies that promote the importance of acknowledging mental health issues, and removing the stigmas surrounding them, are integral to ensuring future generations of students are equipped with the skills they need in order to become successful members of our society.”