Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

Advocacy: Action on Anti-Black Racism

[Sent February 10, 2021]

President Higginson to Minister Whiteside:

“Boards across our province are actively doing important work in these areas, and we call on you for additional support in dealing with addressing systemic racism in B.C.’s public education system.”

Advocacy: Educational Programming in Correctional Facilities

[Sent February 10, 2021]

President Higginson to Ministers Farnworth and Whiteside:

“If the desired outcome of rehabilitation is to have individuals re-enter society equipped to function as contributing members of society, then the level of educational programming offered should match that expectation.”

Advocacy: Safe Routes to Schools and Active Transportation

[Sent February 3, 2021]

President Higginson to Ministers Fleming and Whiteside:

“By focusing on addressing options aimed at students, we will also see further benefits related to the strategy come to fruition, including achieving CleanBC goals and improving our students’ general health and well-being across the province.”

Advocacy: Funding for Trades

[Sent February 3, 2021]

President Higginson to Ministers Kang and Whiteside:

“Working in trades is a desirable career opportunity for many of B.C.’s young people, and we must lessen barriers to entry and navigate this changing landscape together.”

Advocacy: Public Sector Executive Wage Freeze

[Sent February 3, 2021]

President Higginson to Minister Robinson:

“While we certainly appreciate the financial impact that COVID-19 has on British Columbia’s budget, we also wish to highlight the success we have had in keeping schools open and safe for students and staff during this time of crisis.”