Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

Advocacy: Safer Routes to School

[Sent May 31, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Fleming:

“Adjusting our existing laws to meet current needs, coupled with an awareness campaign aimed at drivers, will lead to better, safer outcomes for students who rely on public infrastructure to get to and from school and other places.”

Advocacy: Universal Food Programs

[Sent May 31, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“Our membership is seeking a universal food program that concentrates on equitable CommunityLINK funding for all school districts, with additional funding aimed at improving staff and administrative support required for the growth of this program.”

Advocacy: Removal of BC Hydro Metering Caps

[Sent May 31, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside, Chair Morton and President O’Riley:

“On behalf of all 60 of the province’s boards of education, we implore BC Hydro, the BC Utilities Commission, and the Ministry of Education and Child Care to work together and recognize the value of removing these metering caps for all public school facilities.”

Advocacy: Funding for Outdoor Learning Spaces

[Sent May 18, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“B.C.’s boards of education would like to see that such spaces are included in the development of all new schools and that funds be provided for existing schools to be retrofitted appropriately. “

Advocacy: Minimum Standards for Ventilation

[Sent May 18, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“Unfortunately, the conversation is not limited to responding to COVID-19. Another crisis impacts this ask, as the most recent heatwave of 2021 illustrated how ill-equipped many facilities are when it comes to cooling and providing safe, comfortable learning environments.”

Advocacy: K-12 Operating Grant

[Sent May 18, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Robinson and Minister Whiteside:

“As you know, school districts in B.C. must adopt a balanced budget for the upcoming school year by June 30, 2022. This year, boards of education are tasked with developing a budget and making decisions that impact students while not being provided with adequate funding.”