Serving and Supporting BC’s Boards of Education

Advocacy: Budget 2023 Feedback

[Sent June 29, 2022]

President Broady to members of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services:

“As you will recall, the presentation I provided on behalf of the British Columbia School Trustees Association focused on the need for additional capital funding, new money for unfunded cost increases and funding to support inclusive education.”

Advocacy: Annual Report on Deferred Maintenance

[Sent June 22, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“In response to the lack of additional funding and on behalf of our member boards of education, we ask that the Ministry of Education and Child Care provide BCSTA with an annual report on school building deferred maintenance.”

Advocacy: Capital Cost Sharing

[Sent June 22, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Robinson and Minister Whiteside:

“Our association’s membership has raised concerns over current requirements surrounding capital cost-sharing. These requirements instruct boards of education to use operating funds towards supported capital projects, placing additional financial stress on districts.”

Advocacy: Capital Funding Announcements

[Sent June 22, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“A simple solution to the problem outlined above is to approve capital projects earlier than March, allowing districts increased time and flexibility to plan and coordinate subsequent work. Our ask is that the Ministry of Education and Child Care set the first of February of each calendar year as the deadline to approve capital projects.”

Advocacy: Gender Inclusive Washrooms

[Sent June 14, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“In alignment with your ministry’s mission to support marginalized students, we ask that you reinforce the views of our members and factor universal washrooms and change rooms into plans for upcoming new and seismically upgraded schools. We also request that you provide supplemental funding to update current buildings to meet that standard.”

Advocacy: Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action

[Sent June 7, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside and President French:

“On behalf of B.C.’s 60 boards of education, we ask that the Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Canadian School Boards Association leverage their influence to call on the federal government of Canada to fund and respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s calls to action outlined above.”

Advocacy: Attributes of a BC Graduate Review Process

[Sent June 7, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“The present attributes focus on intellectual, human/social and career development and do not reflect our current societal needs and priorities. More than ever, students are expected to have a broader understanding of globalization and the impact humans have on one another beyond our borders.”

Advocacy: Traditional Territory Acknowledgment

[Sent June 7, 2022]

President Broady to Minister Whiteside:

“Fully embracing the journey toward truth and reconciliation requires specific modelling of change that supports progress… Ultimately, boards of education ask to see that updates are made throughout the School Act to reinforce these crucial protocols and acknowledgments.”