[Sent September 5, 2024\

Dear Minister Singh,

Subject: Stable Operating Funding to Support Coordination of School District Child Care

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA advocate to the Ministry of Education and Child Care to allocate
additional funds to support and maintain current and existing child care facilities in school
district facilities.”

The province’s overall commitment to child care has been commendable, and school districts
have eagerly supported this vision by creating numerous new childcare spaces within their

As boards of education progress with the government into the fifth year of the 10-year plan, it is
critical to highlight that the ongoing work required to support spaces remains substantial. This is
particularly evident in rural and remote areas and in districts without dedicated rental
departments and where senior leaders often handle the added responsibility of overseeing the
infrastructure and third-party licensing. The continued growth of childcare spaces has strained
many districts, and while we appreciate the New Spaces Grant’s inclusion of funding for a
consultant or staff member to assist in these efforts, additional operational funding is required to
ensure this work’s continued success and sustainability.

In May, we had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of State for Child Care Mitzi Dean, and
we are eager to continue building on that conversation to identify and address the remaining
existing barriers. While we appreciate the government’s efforts to streamline the process of
accessing childcare-related capital, it is clear that more than a one-size-fits-all solution will be
needed. The BCSTA is committed to working with you and members of your staff to ensure that
the needs of all districts and students are met.

Please let us know how we can support you in this important work. The association is eager to
collaborate and contribute to the continued success of child care initiatives in schools across

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association