[Sent September 5, 2024]

Dear Minister Singh,

Subject: Northern Teacher Bursary

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA advocate to the Ministry of Education and Child Care to create and
manage a northern, rural and remote student-teacher bursary.”

The ongoing teacher shortage in northern, rural and remote districts is severe, with many
students needing more equitable access to a quality education delivered by certified teachers.
The number of teachers on letters of permission has grown and continues to rise indicating that
this is not a sustainable solution.

At a June meeting with BC Public School Employers’ Association staff indicated that there may
be an opportunity to explore bursaries for student teachers in the north, and then at a
subsequent joint meeting between members of BCPSEA and BCSTA’s boards they indicated
that the Incentive Working Group may pursue work in this area. While we appreciate the
ongoing efforts, more must be done to encourage potential student teachers to move to
northern communities. A northern student-teacher bursary could provide a solution by focusing
on student teachers in their third and fourth years and subsequently secure their commitment to
northern districts before graduation. A bursary program modeled after the successful Northern
Alberta Development Council initiative would be well-received in these communities, offering a
more structured and long-term approach to filling the gaps in the teaching workforce.

We look forward to supporting BCPSEA and the ministry in exploring and developing this
proposal. Your efforts in creating a sustainable solution for the teacher shortage in the north is
critical, and we look forward to updated initiatives that will make a lasting impact on student

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association