[Sent September 9]

Dear Minister Singh,

Subject: New Funding to Make Existing Playgrounds Accessible for All Children

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA advocates to the Ministry of Education and Child Care to provide new
funding to enable Boards of Education to collaborate with their district accessibility
committees to make existing playgrounds accessible for all children.”

Districts across the province are diligently working through their accessibility committees to
meet the requirements of the Accessible British Columbia Act. However, ensuring that existing
playgrounds are accessible for all children remains a concern that requires specific attention.

While Parent Advisory Councils have done commendable work raising funds for accessibility-related
equipment and adjustments to existing playgrounds, the delays in fundraising and
installation have a profound impact on children. The existing process leaves some children with
limited or no playground access, which contradicts the principles of B.C.’s Human Rights Code.
Barrier-free access for all students cannot be overlooked.

While the Ministry of Education and Child Care has established funding for new playgrounds to
ensure they are fully accessible, upgrading existing playgrounds remains a point of concern.
Additional funding is crucial to ensure that all schools have playgrounds that meet the needs of
every student.

We urge the ministry to allocate new funding to support these essential upgrades. Your
attention to this matter will help us create more inclusive environments for all children in B.C.

Thank you for considering this request on behalf of BCSTA’s membership.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association