Dear Minister Singh,

Subject: Increase the Annual Facilities Grant to address Deferred Maintenance, Increased
funding for Aging Infrastructure and Maintenance Funding for Aging Portables

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolutions:

“That the BCSTA advocate to the Ministry of Finance to increase the Ministry of Education
and Child Care’s Annual Facilities Grant so school districts may address the accumulating
costs of deferred maintenance in order to improve accessibility, ensure student safety,
enhance learning environments, extend facility lifespan, and support long-term fiscal

“That the BCSTA request the Provincial Government and the Ministry of Education and
Child Care to equitably increase capital funding specifically to address the replacement
and renovation needs of aging school facilities in regions that are remote, rural and
located in areas at risk from a seasonal natural disaster.”

“That the BCSTA advocates to the Ministry of Education and Child Care to provide
maintenance funding to districts that rely on aging portables to manage enrolment

On behalf of the BCSTA’s membership, I want to draw your attention to the critical need for
increased funding to address deferred maintenance, aging infrastructure and the upkeep of
portables across B.C.’s school districts. We recognize that the province is facing unprecedented
enrolment growth, and that funding is being allocated accordingly, but we must also advocate
for a balanced response that incorporates these critical needs.

As noted in the enclosed rationale, the deferred maintenance backlog in school districts has
reached unsustainable levels, posing risks to student safety and negatively impacting learning
environments and overall operational efficiency. While increases to the Annual Facilities Grant
(AFG), totalling nearly 30 million since 2022/23, have been valued by boards of education,
additional investments to the grant would potentially address many outstanding concerns,
including extending the lifespan of facilities and enhancing energy efficiency. These additional
funds would contribute to long-term cost savings and improving learning conditions while
preventing further deterioration and higher costs in the future.

Although maintenance programs, including the School Enhancement Program, Carbon Neutral
Capital Program and Playground Equipment Program, totalling $102.2 million, are available
alongside AFG to help maintain older facilities, concerns persist, especially in rural and remote
areas. These districts regularly incur heightened costs due to environmental factors, and we
urge the government to allocate additional capital funding more equitably to ensure that these
vulnerable areas receive the necessary resources for renovations and replacements. The
association’s Rural and Remote Network has discussed specific weather-related needs,
including the heating and cooling of buildings, as well as additional space requirements for
items such as winter clothing gear.

While focusing on a future with more prefabricated modular builds to address a variety of
concerns is a high priority for boards of education, many districts still continue to rely on
portables as a response to enrolment growth. Unfortunately, many portables are deteriorating
and require additional maintenance to ensure they remain safe and functional for students and
staff. While AFG funding can be utilized to address these needs, the lack of added support in
the way of additional funding to directly address these maintenance requirements leaves many
districts managing inadequate facilities.

These resolutions reflect the pressing needs of school districts across the province. Addressing
them aligns with our shared goal of providing safe, inclusive and sustainable learning
environments of the highest quality for all students, a sentiment that was shared in meetings
with Assistant Deputy Minister Chris Brown and Executive Director Damien Crowell.

The BCSTA understands that your teams regularly connect with school district staff regarding
these and similar issues, and we thank you for your additional attention to our membership’s
requests. We are committed to continuing our collaboration with you and your staff to ensure
every district is fully equipped to serve and support students.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association