[Sent August 28, 2024]

Dear Parliamentary Secretary Rice, Parliamentary Secretary Russell and Minister Singh,

Subject: Human Resources Capacity in Northern Districts

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA advocate to Ministry of Education and Child Care to address the
inadequate and inequitable Human Resources capacity in rural and remote Districts.”

I am writing on behalf of our membership to emphasize the need to address the growing human
resources challenges faced by rural and remote school districts, particularly those in the
northern regions. Northern districts have long grappled with a shortage of qualified staff, and the
efforts required to recruit and retain continue to grow without relief. Affected districts are not only
dealing with staffing shortages but also facing a significant rise in the need for additional
supports related to mental health, mentorship for new educators, professional development and
general human resource related tasks.

The current and unsustainable reality is that northern districts often operate with a limited
number of senior leaders who must wear multiple hats, including taking on the extensive human
resources responsibilities that larger districts might manage through dedicated departments.
The result is a tremendous burden on these leaders that affects the stability and effectiveness of
district operations. With the challenges faced by these limited senior leaders, it is very difficult to
recruit and retain the leadership for our smaller rural and remote districts.

We have taken several steps to move forward after adopting this resolution at our AGM. In May,
we met with the Ministry of Education and Child Care staff to discuss the motion and stress the
urgency of addressing the challenges faced by rural and remote districts. In June, we engaged
with the BC Public School Employers’ Association staff to discuss two newly funded ministry
positions focused on recruitment and retention for these districts, though these positions are
currently limited to an 18-month term. We emphasized the importance of long-term solutions
during a subsequent June joint meeting between the BCPSEA and BCSTA boards, and
BCPSEA CEO Bruce Anderson will also participate in a BCSTA Rural and Remote Network
Meeting in the future.

Despite the best efforts of the board of education, the recruitment and retention issues in
northern districts have reached a critical juncture. These communities have been grappling with
these challenges for years, and it is now more evident than ever that immediate action is
necessary to prevent further deterioration of their ability to provide quality education. There must
be more than temporary measures, and systemic and ongoing support is required to ensure all
students receive the same quality of education, regardless of where they reside in B.C.
Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue. We appreciate your commitment to student
success and look forward to supporting efforts that will provide districts with the resources they
require to ensure all students succeed in school and beyond.


Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association