[Sent September 5, 2024]

Dear Minister Singh,

Subject: Gender-based Violence Education

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA requests the Provincial Government, the Ministry of Education and Child
Care and the Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity to develop and fully fund,
evidence-based curriculum on gender-based violence including resources and
professional development.”

I want to extend our appreciation for your ministry’s ongoing collaboration and support. During a
meeting in May with Assistant Deputy Minister Mary Shaw, we discussed the critical need for
developing and fully funding an evidence-based curriculum on gender-based violence, along
with the need for resources and professional development.

In that discussion, we also acknowledged the support of Danielle Carter-Sullivan, Executive
Director of Student Wellness & Safety, Mental Health & Substance Use, who has worked
closely with BCSTA’s Comprehensive School Health Working Group. The ministry’s ongoing
commitment to providing additional resources that we can share with our members to help
strengthen their efforts in addressing this critical issue is also appreciated.

While good work has been done, voids remain. As part of a broader strategy to ensure that
students are equipped with essential knowledge before graduation, we believe that a robust
curriculum on gender-based violence is vital. We are particularly interested in exploring
opportunities for inclusion in the next curriculum review process and would welcome any further
discussion on how we can contribute to this effort.

We look forward to continuing our work together to ensure that schools are places where every
student can safely thrive and that those students are fully prepared for life following graduation.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association