[Sent September 5, 2024]

Dear Minister Singh,

Subject: Fully Fund Supports for Students Who Have a Special Education Designation

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA requests the Ministry of Education and Child Care (MECC) to fund the
actual cost of supports for students identified in all special education categories.”

On behalf of our membership, we write to emphasize the need to fully fund inclusive education
supports across the province. Current funding levels are creating significant challenges for
school districts, most often forcing them to divert resources from other critical programs to meet
the needs of students requiring inclusive education services.

By completely funding the costs associated with supporting students with disabilities and
students with diverse abilities, the Ministry of Education and Child Care can ensure that these
students receive the support they need to thrive. Providing inclusive educational environments
where all students have the opportunity to succeed is of paramount importance for not only the
students, but for families and the staff that support them.

During a recent discussion with Assistant Deputy Minister Mary Shaw, we recognized that this
issue is part of a broader conversation about the overall funding model. We understand the
need for a thoughtful and comprehensive approach, and after the provincial election we will be
increasing our advocacy to ensure supports for students with disabilities and students with
diverse abilities are fully considered during the next review of the funding model.

We are grateful for the recent allocation of $30 million over three years as part of Budget 2024
to support children in kindergarten to Grade 3 requiring literacy supports and while this funding
is a step in the right direction, more will be needed to address the growing needs of all students.
We look forward to collaborating on solutions with you and your staff that will make a meaningful
difference in students’ lives across B.C.

I appreciate your consideration of this critical request.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association