[Sent August 28, 2024]

Dear Minister Beare and Minister Singh,

Subject: Eliminate Barriers of Employment for Early Childhood Educators and Education

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA advocate to the Ministry of Education and Child Care and the Ministry of
Post Secondary Education and Future Skills, to address the education of, recruitment and
retention barriers for Early Childhood Educators, and Education Assistants.”

I am writing on behalf of our association’s membership to bring forward a concern regarding the
education, recruitment and retention of Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and Education
Assistants (EAs). These professionals are essential to public education, as they critically
support children and youth, creating a base for lifelong learning and success.

During our meetings in May 2024 with ministry staff to discuss a variety of motions and our
subsequent discussions with the BC Public School Employers’ Association’s board of directors
this summer, we discussed the challenges that ECEs and EAs face. These include the high cost
of education and training, access to training programs, limited opportunities for financial
assistance and insufficient professional development. The rewarding nature of this work also
needs to be highlighted more frequently, and we support, and will take part in, promoting the
positive impact of ECEs and EAs on young learners.

The barriers identified above are not only preventing the entry of new professionals into these
crucial roles but are also severely affecting the retention of current staff. By removing these
barriers, we can foster a more diverse and inclusive workforce, enhance student outcomes and
strengthen our public education system. We urge your ministries to take decisive action to
address these issues and collaborate to develop strategies to support ECEs and EAs across the

We look forward to working together to ensure that our education system remains strong, and
that the workforce is well-supported.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association