Dear Deputy Minister Richards,

Subject: Communication from British Columbia Emergency Management System

At the British Columbia School Trustees Association’s 2024 annual general meeting, our
members representing all 60 boards of education in B.C. passed the following resolution:

“That the BCSTA request Ministry of Education Child Care work with the Ministry of
Emergency Management and Climate Readiness to ensure that the British Columbia
Emergency Management System includes school districts in communications related to
evacuation orders and alerts.”

In May, I met with staff from the Ministry of Education and Child Care’s System Liaison and
Supports Division to discuss the critical issue of emergency communications as identified by our
membership. On behalf of the BCSTA, I am writing to request that the Ministry of Emergency
Management and Climate Readiness work with the Ministry of Education and Child Care to
ensure that school districts are included in all vital communications outlined in the above

Several school districts were excluded from key communications regarding evacuation orders
and alerts during forest fires that took place before April 2024. Given that school districts serve
multiple municipalities, regional district areas and First Nations communities, timely
communication is essential to ensure the safety of students, staff and the broader community.
Including school districts in Emergency Operations Center (EOC) discussions and ensuring they
receive timely information is crucial for an effective response during disasters. This collaboration
will enhance preparedness and responsiveness in emergency situations.

We urge your ministry to prioritize this integration to ensure all school districts are fully informed
and able to participate effectively in emergency response efforts. A similar letter will also be sent
to the Union of BC Municipalities to advise them of the content of this letter.

Thank you for your attention to ensure school districts are appropriately included in the British
Columbia Emergency Management System.

Carolyn Broady
British Columbia School Trustees Association