On behalf of the British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA), President Carolyn Broady extends a warm welcome to students, staff, parents, and trustees as we embark on a new school year. This year marks a significant milestone for many, from young learners taking their first steps into education to those poised to graduate and pursue their future ambitions.

President Broady emphasizes the critical role played in fostering an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive. She states that it is the responsibility of the trustees and staff to provide the opportunities and support needed to ensure that every student has the chance to flourish and reach their full potential.

“Trustees are only part of the picture; we depend on teachers, school staff, volunteers, parents, and everyone who supports students and makes the school the heart of the community,” said Carolyn Broady, President of the BCSTA.

Education matters. That’s why the BCSTA remains committed to advocating for meaningful change and being a strong voice for students’ futures.

Watch Carolyn Broady’s Welcome Back Message

See why Education Matters in our upcoming provincial election and download BCSTA’s Provincial Election Advocacy Kit for boards here.

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