Our new website has been streamlined to better match the services offered on the BCSTA HUB, and some existing platforms, such as DocuShare, have been retired. The focus of BCSTA.org is now on the public.
Some items that directly target trustees, board chairs, superintendents, partner group representatives, executive assistants and more have been moved to our member’s area (the BCSTA HUB).
What follows is a breakdown of some of our major content online, and where it now is following our updated website being launched.
What is on the new BCSTA.org website?
- Information about our Association
- Recent media releases
- Recent advocacy letters
- Suggested resources for K-12
- Education Leader stories
- BCSTA scholarship details
- Partners Calendar 2.0 (containing major BCSTA events and the events of our partner organizations and government)
- School district contact information
- Information on BCSTA’s partners organizations
What has moved to the BCSTA HUB?
- Expense claim forms & policy
- District policies bank
- Meeting minutes (branches, committees, BoD, etc.)
- Motion-related documentation
- Branch constitutions
- Branch/Committee agendas
- The BCSTA calendar, containing committee, branch, board and other similar meetings.
- Click here to learn more about the HUB
What is on both?
- AGM, Provincial Council and Academy information (additional details on the HUB)
- Reports like Synopsis, legal updates, report to branches, etc. (supporting documents are HUB/member exclusive)
- Association bylaws and operations documentation
- Our strategic plan and direction
- The Association’s recent financial information
- Local elections support materials
- Other major reports
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Mark Regier in the BCSTA offices at mregier@bcsta.org or 604-235-2291. We are always open to your ideas and reflections, so be sure to contact us with your feedback.