[Vancouver, BC – March 17, 2025] – The BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA) is pleased to announce the release of its report, Improving Student Outcomes: For Students with Disabilities and Diverse Abilities, developed by the BCSTA’s Inclusion and Accessibility Working Group. This report is an essential tool in educating school boards about inclusive education, providing critical insights into the current challenges and opportunities in supporting students with disabilities and diverse abilities.
This report outlines key data sets available for boards of education, assisting them in their responsibility to improve student outcomes and success. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and utilizing data through a governance lens to identify areas of need and inform evidence-based decisions. The report aims to assist boards of education in being better equipped to support improved student outcomes, ensuring every student has an equitable opportunity to succeed in British Columbia’s public schools.
The top priority for boards of education is the success of all students. Yet, achievement outcomes for students with disabilities and diverse abilities are consistently lower than those of their peers in various metrics. To address this, the report calls for a unique focus from boards of education, ensuring the proper systems, structures, and supports are in place for these students to thrive.
Key Highlights in the Report Include:
- What is Inclusive Education: Understanding the importance of inclusive education and its impact on student success.
- Ableism and its Impact on Education: Exploring how ableism influences the expectations and opportunities available to students with disabilities and diverse abilities.
- Language Matters: The evolving terminology and descriptors used for people with disabilities and diverse abilities and the importance of adapting to these changes.
- History of Inclusive Education in BC: Reflecting on the past to better understand the evolution of inclusive practices in the province.
- Legal Responsibilities of Boards of Education: Outlining school boards’ obligations under the law to ensure inclusive education.
Additionally, the report offers questions to help boards of education begin important discussions within their school communities about inclusive education.
Carolyn Broady, President of the BCSTA, commented: “This report is not just a guide; it’s a call to action for all school boards across British Columbia. It is the responsibility of each school board to ensure every student, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to succeed. By leveraging the insights and data provided, school boards can make informed, compassionate decisions that address the unique challenges faced by students with disabilities and diverse abilities. We must continue to create a system where every student is seen, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.”
Perspectives from Trustees
Cyndi Gerlach, a trustee and parent from North Vancouver School District, shared her thoughts on the importance of inclusion:
“True inclusion in public education means recognizing and celebrating each child’s unique abilities, not just accommodating their differences. We must all work together to eliminate barriers, discrimination, and ableism. We must advocate for an education system where diversity is accepted and embraced, ensuring each student thrives.”
Chantelle Morvay, a trustee from Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools, emphasized the importance of this guide:
“As a democratically elected official responsible for governing the safety, health, and education of the students in my district, it has been an honour to contribute my personal experience with disabilities and my professional perspective to the creation of this important guide for trustees across British Columbia. I hope this guide serves as a valuable resource for all trustees, helping them to better understand and support the creation of inclusive learning environments where students with disabilities and diverse abilities can thrive within our public education system.”
The BCSTA would like to extend its thanks to Inclusion BC and the Ministry of Education and Child Care for their contributions to the development of this report. Their resources have been instrumental in shaping the content and ensuring the report is informative and practical for school boards across the province.
For more information about the report, please visit: https://bit.ly/3DG3sN7
Please contact Monique Atwal, Manager of Advocacy and Public Relations at matwal@bcsta.org for any questions or media inquiries.
Since 1905, the British Columbia School Trustees Association (BCSTA) has been dedicated to serving and supporting public boards of education across British Columbia. As a non-profit organization, our mission is to assist school boards in their governance roles, advocate for effective educational policies, and foster collaboration among trustees. We provide resources, training, and support to help school boards fulfill their governance responsibilities and enhance student learning outcomes and student success, advancing the key priorities of K-12 public education throughout the province. Our commitment is to ensure that every student in B.C. benefits from strong, effective leadership in their local education system. Through our efforts, we aim to strengthen public education and contribute to the success of schools and communities throughout the province.