In late May, I travelled to Victoria with a team of BCSTA staff to discuss recent member motions and priorities with the Ministry of Education and Child Care.

These meetings, driven by the motions and our advocacy goals, demonstrate the crucial role BCSTA plays in representing B.C.’s boards of education as we work together as advocates for student success.

Hearing firsthand from ministry staff about their commitment to our shared goals was informative and enlightening. Our meetings addressed several critical issues, such as eliminating employment barriers for early childhood educators, education assistants and teachers, especially in rural and remote communities. We also emphasized the need for stable, predictable and adequate funding for childcare spaces, resources for achieving CleanBC goals and support to enhance inclusive in learning environments across the province.

Capital Working Group Chair and Maple Ridge – Pitt Meadows Trustee Mike Murray also joined us to present the working group’s report, Making Progress Toward Sustainable Schools—Next Steps, to representatives from the Resource Management Division and the Capital Management Branch. Our June 3rd press release details the report and the need for increased funding to ensure students learn in safe, updated environments.

Forging a sustainable and equitable future for all students in B.C. is vital, and we emphasized the importance of maintaining an ongoing dialogue as we strive to meet these needs. Stay tuned for more updates on our advocacy efforts as BCSTA and boards of education across B.C. shape a brighter future for public education.

Carolyn Broady – BCSTA president