BCSTA Trustee Academy

November 21-23, 2024

Westin Bayshore, Vancouver

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The below schedule is subject to change and additional information will be added as program details are finalized.

Greetings from our Partners


“On behalf of the members of the BC Association of School Business Officials, I extend a warm welcome to all in attendance at the BCSTA Academy. As we gather, let’s embrace unity and work collaboratively towards a brighter future for our children. Together, we must be committed to moving along the path of Truth and Reconciliation, acknowledging our past and fostering a future of respect and understanding. Your dedication to education is inspiring, and we look forward to a productive and enriching experience for all.”

Alan Rice, President, BCASBO


“On behalf of the BC School Superintendents Association, I extend our warmest greetings as you gather for the BCSTA Academy.

This year’s theme, “Illuminate – Lighting the Path of Governance in Public Education,” captures the importance of collaborative leadership and fostering district cultures that promote a strong governance mindset. This is crucial for creating rich learning and working environments where both students and staff can thrive, all while upholding values that champion the human spirit.

Wishing you a productive and inspiring academy, filled with meaningful connections, insightful discussions, and shared celebrations.”

Rohan Arul-pragasam, President, BCSSA

“I’m honoured to send greetings on behalf of BCCPAC for this year’s BCSTA Trustee Academy. Collaboration between our organizations strengthens the voice of parents for a more equitable public education system. We are grateful to have the opportunity to participate and learn alongside trustees and other education partners, and we look forward to our continued partnership with BCSTA.”

Laura Ward, President, BCCPAC
